Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018



Ganjel rel bread is a typical bread of Semarang.  Although this bread come from Semarang, but it is rarely found. This bread also has another name that is gambang bread. Ganjel rel bread is less known than other bread because the texture is not soft and it is hard to eat, but according to nutritionists the texture is good for digestion. However, some bakers are modifying the texture, so that easy to consume.

The shape of ganjel rel bread is box, the color is brown with sesame seeds, and the flavor is cinnamon flavor. The texture of ganjel rel bread is ductile and solid, and smelled of chocolate and cinnamon. It’s sweet because it uses palm sugar. This bread is suitable for tea drink and breakfast.

This bread is one of the Dutch heritages. Until now the recipes has never changed, is still original from the Dutch era. The original name is “Gambang” bread because the shape is similar to gambang musical instrument, but the people of Semarang more familiar with “ganjel rel” name. in addition, this bread called “ganjel rel” becaue the shape of bread similar to bearing rail.

The ganjel rel bread is always be seizure of the people in Semarang during the celebration of dugderan. The ganjel rel bread is a symbol of no disturbance. Even the thousand of citizens are willing to jostle to get the ganjel rel bread. Because the philosophy when eating this bread is the implementation of fasting there is no obstacle so that the mind becomes clear and calm.

2 komentar:

  1. Hai intan,there's some incorrect spelling there,
    I think you should check it again.
    But you take a good topic now and it increase my knowledge,thank you...
    -ika purnama dewi/KU1B-

    1. Hai Ika! Thank you for your attention! xoxo <3


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